my destiny is on you<3
April 30, 2010
Hurted MORE than twice? 
"I knew, revenging for what you've done was futile. You wouldn't realize, even a bit, that you've made someone felt in pain."
It's a  BIG fault if I'm trying to open your eyes. NO! You'll realize by your own. And, for the time we'd throw in futile, it was just a mere story. I thought, I'm patient enough to find the time. But, it was you? You've changed. Yeah! You've changed, and I didn't even notice who you are. 

5:12 PM

" I wanna be a doll that doesn't have a feeling, never cry, never laugh, never laugh or loved someone. " For who am I, I'd feel that moments. And I'm sure I'm in pain cause of those UNIMPORTANT things. 
a doll is officially stronger, and it has a metal or hard thingy like that. Instead of using battery, it won't move and felt nothing. 
Am I the one who said so? 

and I REALLY agreed for this statement 
" You can hide your laughters and happiness, but you can't hide your tears " 
- 9.16 PM. Friday, April 30 2010 

7:16 AM

Several people, included me says that simple but new:D for sure, it's my first and new blog. it's like a lame-O that I just have my first blog this century? 
However, it's been times for me to find the rite time for searching that -__-. I'm not as rock as if it seen. but, i believed that I'm graced and honored by Him. 
Still, I'm searching for ideas for my blog. Advices please? :)


5:55 AM

get to know!

I'm astrid, everyone usually call me that way but it's your right to call me differently. i'm a fourteenth, and being fifteen soon! anyway take your time for reading these, since i'll make you kinda bored! thankyou for visiting. Cheers.


twitter looklet, give hearts! LINKS♥

Living young and free
a pair of wing to soar the world
to and end, where happiness could be found♥


move your mouse, press and release!

April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
January 2011
March 2012
April 2012


friends, love you.