my destiny is on you<3
May 24, 2010
Instead of my life, I'd still have an obligation. Life's so greedy of itself.
I just wanna fly outthere, anywhere, where I could spread out my feelings. It's like dead liver bcause of the contents that never being pour out. Like a knife pierce my heart, it feels pain. Really pain. When I saw you walking infront and leave me because of that NEW one. 

I knew, I had never could force you to be such in our old times. Just hoping for your changing wouldn't last long, and you'll realize one day. 

7:34 AM

SO, long long, I haven't touch and think to open this. 
I just had MY BIRTHDAY ;) 
it's officially gorgeous:D they made surprises for me! flour, water were poured 2 days ago off my head.
Well, I'm abstaining myself of these things.  

7:23 AM

May 07, 2010
Another problem is way coming. actually, sometimes I hoped that not only me who felt that way. But, when seeing them acting and doing that, I feel like it's my fault. HAHA. Though, it's not.

I have mine. And it's being way clear now, even it's not state truly. 
:) smiles and laughter between us was really worthed, for me. It's making my mood up. 
I just could pray, for the best and so on. 

3:07 AM

May 03, 2010
Sigh. Relief. 
sarcasm! Life is a sarcasm things of what we've done so far. :)
It's just about you, me and us.  What other things that was so important beside that?
There's hard and easy part. But when we approached at the easiest part, weren't we just wasting it and show off? Instead in hard part, we're craving for help.
"It's like sandals. When we didn't need 'em, we throw it away. nowhere. But, when we need it so much, we search and craving for 'em. So what the real that we want?"
I just knew that you're a sarcasm and bad influences. Hey! Mind your own business. Don't influence other of ur bad. Why? Didn't have anyone who cares for you, so you tell it twice and overreact? 


3:28 AM

May 01, 2010
"Sometimes, I feel like I'm flying above ppls, but sometimes I feel like I'm down the earth. It's all because of you"

Pathetic. Maybe it's me. Hm? Think so? Yeah, sure.
I need someone to convince me right now, I need them. But, they're human. 
They have their own feeling to choose :)
Yeah, hot news! And I didn't even being informed. 
You gave me hope, but you break it your own. YOU WANT TO MUCH! 

8:17 PM

get to know!

I'm astrid, everyone usually call me that way but it's your right to call me differently. i'm a fourteenth, and being fifteen soon! anyway take your time for reading these, since i'll make you kinda bored! thankyou for visiting. Cheers.


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Living young and free
a pair of wing to soar the world
to and end, where happiness could be found♥


move your mouse, press and release!

April 2010
May 2010
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April 2012


friends, love you.