my destiny is on you<3
June 12, 2010
F I N A L L Y ;)
Finally, it's the end, it's the moment where I had waited for. Being happy above other's sorrows was not praiseworthy deeds. I'd used to wait, to know when some people would feel the same as me, felt like flying and buried inside the earth core. 

Sarcasm! another sarcasm had came. Nothing to worry on, because I've got what I've supposed to get. Life. Life is just like a turning wheel, sometimes we could be down or up. Just some people who'd like to get up or stand still. 
"when you're down, when no one's in your side, don't ever tried to force other helps you. Don't crave'em."
So, it's me-time. It's my flying moment, above the clouds. Playing with the sun, star and moon. Seeing people like ants that walked from north to south. Imma happy with these condition so far ;)

11:04 PM

get to know!

I'm astrid, everyone usually call me that way but it's your right to call me differently. i'm a fourteenth, and being fifteen soon! anyway take your time for reading these, since i'll make you kinda bored! thankyou for visiting. Cheers.


twitter looklet, give hearts! LINKS♥

Living young and free
a pair of wing to soar the world
to and end, where happiness could be found♥


move your mouse, press and release!

April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
January 2011
March 2012
April 2012


friends, love you.