my destiny is on you<3
April 26, 2012
26 April. hari terakhir Ujian Nasional. i've passed it all. i worked so hard, and let Him do the rest of it. hope it comes out great :)
apa yang biasa di lakukan ketika kita merasa free seperti ini? gue bilang hanya satu tempat, yaitu teman-teman. sahabat-sahabat. hanya itu satu2nya. though pada akhirnya saat gue sama mereka, gue jadi korban. but i know how much they love me by that<3 thankyou, sisters. mereka membuat kesenangan itu full. 
hope someday it will be full-filled with something.

8:30 AM

April 15, 2012
sometimes people said that we got reasons and goal to achieve something. well, i will be fifteen in less than 2 months. dan selama ini pula, gue nggak punya cita-cita. or, goals either. lucu kah? mereka yang kadang kita sebut kekurangan, punya mimpi. but, me? yeah, extremely pathetic. 

kadang mereka bilang, ada waktunya kita tau apa tujuan hidup kita. but when? i am tired of doing things over and over. trying my best, without any goals. i did do my best. just, i want something to be my interest. 
they said, people without dreams are passionless, and would not be success. apasih yang bakal lu semua buat, kalau suatu saat kita di tempatkan ke suatu tugas yang sama sekali nggak di sukain? atau lebih tepatnya, you dont have the passion. i did music, like people says music helps to relieve your stress and think clearly. i am searching where does my passion had hide for a long time. 

and like...when you're in the middle of searching it all, people unexpectedly told you that you're not good in this part. iya sih baiknya gue tau interest gue bukan disana. but doesn't it hurt? gue kerja keras di semua part, for atleast ketika gue tau apa yang gue impikan, gue udah buat fondasi buat itu semua. 

i am not saying that i work hard to got a payback. like, just gimme a try. don't bother, 
but push me laaaah. 

life sucks. in other part, i am saying that i should be thankful for my life. tapi, kadang kadang ada hal yang emang nggak bisa kita pungkiri, kalau kita memang capek dengan hidup. oh well, i am searching for my identity. when you dont have any purpose of your dreams, how can you help people and search for their love towards us? menurut gue itu.............without passion. 

dan sekarang ini menurut mimpi.your night dreams. dan kasiannya lagi, gue jarang mimpi. hahahaha. gilaa. kadang to cheer myself up, gue berkata bahwa apa gunanya mimpi, toh nanti lu bakal balik ke dunia nyata. and reality is way too complicated. and i am just leaning my back, let my hands be taken by God. The Leader of all. tapi, kadang mimpi pun berguna. for some people, they use their dream as an inspiration. kalau gueee...tidur, ya tidur aja. kemarin gempa pun, gue tetep bangun siang:D happy~

kadang selain itu gue berpikir. apa ada hal yang buat gue dalam kutip, takut buat mimpi? i expected things. but sometimes i dont fight, just let them do it their ways. kadang, saat gue mau sesuatu atau tepatnya ingin, gue hanya berbicara sedikit. tapi gue kerja keras buat hal-hal yang sebenernya gue nggak yakin itu bakal berguna. i rarely speak up my mind. kadang hal itu buat gue takut, kasarnya bisa dibilang, takut nggak dibalikin sama apa yang kita expect. 


vs reality

mungkin gampangnya orang bilang gausah hidup untuk expect sesuatu, kalau emang dibolehkan sama Tuhan pasti akan terjadi. but we need effort man, we need effort to accomplish something.

simply, mari kita buat contoh. gue pernah nonton film, seorang cewe dan cowo, yang disuruh membuat jawaban. mereka masing-masing dikasih tau akan menikah satu dengan yang lain. tapi, bukan si cowo yang propose. pihak ketiga. mereka hanya disuruh kasih jawaban. "O" buat ya, dan "X" buat tidak. setelah mereka bersama, mereka disuruh buka. dan dua2nya O. happy. haha. but if that was me, i would better drawn a triangle, or any other shape. like, kalau pihak lain give an "X" at least, people nggak akan judge, dan kasihanin lu;) 

kadang buat apa kita usaha kalau nggak ada hasil? memang, kita sama sama nggak bisa liat buat kedepannya. but i dont figure anything after all of this :D
people praised, okay. ive heard many praises given to me. but back, i'm asking my self, do i really did that? and i couldnt figure it out on what purpose i want to work that hard, for... nothing. and on the other sides, people keep pointing on my mistakes and flaws. i've become aware for any possibility that i am become more like shit. 


berbahagialah engkau yang punya mimpi. walaupun mimpi kalian seringkali nggak tercapai, tapi kalian punya tujuan. for atleast you know, your hard work will pay off. it would be nice when you'd know your life purpose. 

can i say that, i know i am never would be good enough?:3

take care, guyss :)

6:05 AM

April 03, 2012
IT IS SPRING BREAK PEOPLE! lets go have some fun<3

i am spending this break with them. it supposed to be day in, because we are currently playing in da house :p walaupun kita sama-sama ga gunain banyak waktu, namun cukup buat menyegarkan otak dari sekian lama penuh tugas menugas. 

yaa hari-hari liburan memang paling baik digunakan bersama teman-teman. penuh canda, tawa dan intimidasi. dan korbannya.......gue. bahagia. but what's friendship, (i called it sisterhood) without bullies. it stoles energies, but seeing their laugh and happiness are relieving <3

i am so thankful for their existence. my life would be kinda boring without it. we've been through many painful and happy times. so just continue lean on each other! i love you guys<3

4:29 AM

April 01, 2012

"Think to produce something"
so lately, my minds were rushing to my brain. now i am thinking of a thing, the next second is all different. like, it happens once a while, but it seems like they're searching for a way out, :(

i am so into writing this moment. luckily, i got ten days of Easter break! well, it's real hard to put out your minds into writings, but i am so fed up with these.. jadi berhubung seperti ini, gue telah menjelajah internet, dan satu hal muncul, its life. life has its up and downs, so adapt. 

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” 

― Robert Frost
we couldn't decide what kind of life that we would live on. kadang itulah tantangan, dengan tantangan itu maka ada kehidupan! luckily, i got my super friends near me, A SISTER BOND!♥ im so into this word, enough. semua kata-kata yang terucapkan biasanya sangat gampang diingat, jadi satu kata aja bisa memiliki efek benar? :3 its undeniable. 

orang-orang yang mengucapkan kata-kata yang bisa buat kita ikut merasakan posisi orang tersebut, adalah orang yang menurut gue bijaksana hahaha :D disini bukan kayak "gue sedih, blablabla" terus nanti ada orang "sabar yaa.. gue ngerti jadi lu" kalo kyk gini, belum tentu membangun. disebabkan oleh apa, gue mengambil contoh Albert Einstein! dia memang sempet memiliki gangguan jiwa, tapi dari gangguan jiwanya itu dia menemukan dirinya. it means soo much, like i have almost everything that i want, but those things wont produce something good, if it is not used to do something right.

“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” 

― Albert Einstein

We could like try hard and achieve something. but what is it when there's no dream. kita tetep hidup di hidup yang banyak tantangan. kita mempermasalahkan hal-hal kecil, kadang itu bahkan lebih baik, karena kita belajar mengerti. im so fed up like people have ambitions. why don't i? i keep on doing something my best, but sometimes it just go all the way down. 
bagaimana kita bisa keep up melakukan semua baik? dengan tujuan. mungkin saat ini tujuannya ya mendapatkan kesenangan. but, i'm still didn't realize where will my happiness ended in. 

and so you know being a kid is more fascinatingly beautiful. little kids nggak akan menemukan hari-hari yang penuh kebingungan at least.. for whom they should live for? to whom they should share their life? 

there's choices. how can a kid walks properly without those hands pulling? without the hands holding? sincerely, i am the kid.

its kinda touched when someone says that. strength&points <3

4:08 AM

get to know!

I'm astrid, everyone usually call me that way but it's your right to call me differently. i'm a fourteenth, and being fifteen soon! anyway take your time for reading these, since i'll make you kinda bored! thankyou for visiting. Cheers.


twitter looklet, give hearts! LINKS♥

Living young and free
a pair of wing to soar the world
to and end, where happiness could be found♥


move your mouse, press and release!

April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
January 2011
March 2012
April 2012


friends, love you.